I’m still making this website. Thanks for your patience, Tara

My vision is…

…to create systems that are abundant, nourishing and rejuvenating, using the Cultural Emergence toolkit as a framework and putting the ethics of Permaculture at the core, designing the life that I want to live in and not live in the one that doesn’t align to me. I invite you to join me in my offerings where I focus on the three cultures of personal leadership, collective wisdom and Earth care, bringing core practices into the projects and gatherings to create support, care and connection to the elements which make up WildHearth. Principles are the wisdom that weave through it all. The elixir that flows amongst and within each element are the phases of nature’s cyclical rhythms which return us to the living being of life, in which we each have our own unique eco-niche. 

The elements – Offerings

WildMother Nature circles

Mother-hood is a rite of passage which is rarely honoured as sacred, and better shared. Every month.

Wildly Rooted Women mini-retreats

For women who want to go a little deeper. Meeting throughout the year, building a Tribe together with a belonging back to soul. Every month. 

One wild food a day way

A collaborative approach to learning about foraging and what that gifts, with meet ups to share, eat, wander the edges and hedges together. Monthly.

More elements…

The Children’s Fire

Groups for families unschooling and home-schooling, choosing to include a nature-based education.


Wild-crafted gifts, birthday gatherings and rites of passage celebrations.


The land on which this all takes place and a secluded glamping site on the south-west of Guernsey.


Treats for the soul, time to align. Solo or communal.

Ebb and pause, feel and flow…tidal teachings.